KPA puts in place preparedness efforts to contain Coronavirus

Mombasa – March 10, 2020

Following the global outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) has put in place measures to protect staff and port users against it.

KPA Managing Director Dr. Daniel Manduku on Thursday announced the establishment of a Special Committee to spearhead preparedness to the Coronavirus disease outbreak at the Port of Mombasa.


KPA Managing Director Dr. Arch. Daniel Manduku

The 11-member Committee under the chairmanship of Eng. Julius Tai, Head of Container Terminal Engineering comes at a time when the world is faced with uncertainty following the outbreak of the virus. The Committee is expected to be instrumental in supporting the National Emergency Response Committee especially in its efforts to enhance surveillance at all Ports/Points of Entry.

Other members of the Committee include; Mr. Geoffrey Kavate, Head of Financial Accounting, Ms. Catherine Wangari, Head of Employee Relations, Mr. Daniel Githinji, Port Environment Officer, Mr. John Njoka, Chief Nursing Officer, Ms. Rashida Adamai, Senior Medical Officer, Mr. Hajj Masemo, Principal Corporate Communications Officer, Mr. Michael Bokole, Principal Operations Officer, Ms. Olive Mwaluma, Port Security Officer, Mr. Moses Sirgoi, Ag. Principal Procurement Officer and Mr. Charles Kotut, Ethics and Integrity Officer.

The Committee's Terms of Reference (TOR) are; to develop and communicate precautionary measures on the coronavirus outbreak; conduct staff awareness and sensitization on the virus; periodically review corporate preparedness to the disease and report to the Managing Director for support ; identify requisite protective gears to be urgently sourced for distribution to all KPA branches.

Besides the above, the Committee is also expected to identify quarantine facilities in liaison with the Ministry of Health and the National Emergency Response Committee as well as collaborate with various government agencies for enhanced response and effective communication on emerging issues on the virus.

At the same time sanitizers are being installed at various strategic points including the gates and receptions for people to cleanse their hands as they get into the Port area.

Meanwhile the KPA Managing Director has announced temporary cancellation of all official international trips in an effort to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus.

"I have with immediate effect suspended all official international trips until further advised otherwise," said Dr. Manduku in a circular to all staff.

He said employees scheduled to travel out of the country on official trips that have direct effect on operation, performance and benefit to the Authority and those willing to travel at their own expense or volition would have to get direct approval from his office.

Dr. Mandunku added that upon return they would be subjected to quarantine and thorough checkup.

"Further, I have also constituted a Committee to spearhead preparedness to the coronavirus outbreak, General Managers are hereby required to promptly implement and ensure total compliance to this directive," he said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID- 19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

WHO, reported that though globally the attack of the Corona Virus was very high its containment was still possible.

According to WHO, as at 5th March 2020, there were 95,333 confirmed cases reported globally with 3282 deaths majority from mainland China.

Kenya has investigated twenty three (23) alerts involving 31 suspected cases which have all tested negative to COVID-19.

The Government has stepped up preparedness measures through heightened surveillance systems at all points of entry, health facilities and communities across the country to ensure that there's no importation of COVID-19 into the country.

 H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta issued an Executive Order No. 2 of 2020 on 28th February 2020 establishing the National Emergency Response Committee on the Coronavirus with the Cabinet Secretary of Health Hon. Mutahi Kagwe as the Chairperson.